LDS Girls Camp Ideas - Hot Air Balloon
Hot Air Balloons!
Before we went to camp we had the parents of each girl write a letter telling their daughter how much they love them, how they are proud of them and how they had seen their daughter Arise and Shine Forth. We then put the letters (rolled up) in the baskets of the hot air balloons that had decorated our camp. The girls then had time to go by themselves to read their letters.
We made the Hot Air Balloons by using a mandarin orange can punched with 4 holes. I used a tool called a crocodile. But you could fill the cans with water, freeze the water then using a hammer and nail, hammer 4 holes around the top of the can. Let the ice melt and then continue on with the project.
We covered the cans with scrapbook paper. Then using two long pieces of ribbon we attached the balloon to the can. They were super cute!
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