Podcasts and my views on Mormon Women

Today I'm going to tell you how I make the mundane tasks of Housekeeping a bit more enjoyable.  It's called the Mormon Channel.  I have found that if I listen to a podcast as I fold laundry, my mind becomes occupied with the inspiring words I'm listening to, rather than being annoyed at the mountain of dirty clothes my family can produce in a week.  If I'm cleaning the blinds (really one of the worst housekeeping tasks) I can be inspired by the words I hear, rather than being upset with myself for letting the blinds get beyond dirty.  So how can you transport yourself into the wonderful world of Podcasts?  I do it two ways.  One way is to download the app here and just stream the podcast right from your ipad or iphone.  Another way is to go to the itunes store, search church of jesus christ of latter-day saints click on the pocast you are interested in, then subscribe to the different podcasts.  Once you have subscribed it will show up in your itunes library on the left hand side of the screen under music, movies, tv shoes, podcasts, etc.  You can then click on podcasts and download the different podcast episodes.  Some of my personal favorite podcasts are:


Conversations features interviews with General Authorities, auxiliary leaders, and faithful Latter-day Saints conducted in a style that allows the listener to become acquainted with those being interviewed in an informal way.

Enduring It Well

Enduring It Well takes a deeper look at some of life's real challenges and features real people who have endured or are enduring trials well.

Past Impressions 

Past Impressions is a chronological exploration of Church history. Host Brent Top, chairman of the Department of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University, leads lively discussions about the places, people, and events that are the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day   Saints.


Legacy, created in cooperation with the Family History and Church History Departments, highlights some of the remarkable history of the Church and shares incredible stories of members' faith, perseverance, hope, and inspiration.

Why I Believe 

Why I Believe is a program that explores conversion and why we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in certain principles of the gospel. Conversion stories are shared by individuals who have had their lives touched and have become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and doctrines and principles of the gospel are explored.

Everything Creative explores creativity through interviews with artists and creative people of all types. Many episodes are unique in that the interviewee from a previous episode becomes the interviewer of another creative artist.

 (Kristin Murphy, Deseret News)
Today I listened to an interview with Sherry Dew.  On Conversations.  You can find it here.  What most impressed me was her view on Mormon Women.  Unfortunately the world has this crazy idea that we as women are oppressed and yearn to hold the Priesthood so we can be equal to men.  Personally as a Mormon woman I understand my divine role.  I believe the gift my Heavenly Father gave me to create life is the gift He intended for me.  I have a voice in my congregation and my contribution is just as important as the one given by brethren who hold the Priesthood.  In the interview Sister Dew said that "Women are God's Secret Weapon.  No one has more influence on a man than his wife.  No one has more influence on children than their mother."  I also loved her council on how we can counter the world's voices that are dragging us down.  It's so simple.  Find out what God has in store for you.  Where does Heavenly Father want you to be? What does He want you to do?  If we as women concentrated our efforts into finding out these two questions and truly striving to do it, our self worth would increase and we would no longer wonder if we are valued members of His church.  There is so much good we can do.  Patricia Holland said "If I were Satan and wanted to destroy a society.  I would stage a full blown blitz on women."  We as women need to fight the attack and value our divine gifts.  We need to encourage each other and value the contribution we are making to our families.  Stop saying I am just a house wife!  Unfortunately I feel Satan working on me and at times I find myself yearning for some sort of recognition for the contribution I have made during the day.  My husband gets a paycheck and awards for a job well done.  Mainly I get a dirty house with work for another day.  My goal for the new year is to quit focusing on the need for earthly recognition.  I want to focus my energy into finding out what my Heavenly Father wants me to be and do what He want me to do.  If I truly do this, I believe I will not have any desire left for self pity.  I will feel the love my Heavenly Father has for me and I will feel His support and appreciation.   So this is my goal.  I'm posting it in hopes that others who feel the same way can join me and tell me how its going.  I would like to create a community where we can lift each other and value our divine role.  I am also going to post things that help me to do my calling and be a better mother, or ways that I'm expressing my creativity.  Here's to my best year yet!


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