LDS Girls Camp Idea, 12 Virgins and oil.

Here's another idea we did at girls camp.  I wanted to teach the girls the concept that little things can make a big difference in your lives.  We decided to teach them about the 10 virgins and how they can be prepared in their own lives as they "collect their oil" and prepare for the bridegroom.  At the beginning of the week we gave each girl a necklace.
With this label on it.

Just the label

We had some droppers filled with "oil"  really colored water and each time they did something to strengthen their spirit they put a drop in.  (Acts of service, prayers, scripture reading, participation in an activity etc.)

The girls loved this and they were able to take the necklace home to have a reminder of their oil.

Before camp the girls made terra-cotta lamps like the ones they had in Christ's day.  I just got a bag of clay from a pottery supply shop and a local school agreed to fire them for us.  (Make sure you get the proper clay for the right kiln there are high fire clays and low fire clays.)

We put light sticks in them at camp because of the fire danger, but they turned out to be pretty fun.
The girls decorated them with symbols that represented their life.

For a night activity we had the YCL's (youth camp leaders) dress up like the 10 virgins and tell the other girls how the gospel had blessed their lives.  It was amazing how the girls rose to the occasion and taught the younger girls important gospel lessons.  We chose a trail at camp and then had each of the YCL's along the trail.  The younger girls divided into groups and traveled along the trail to listen to each of the YCL's.  (We had 53 girls at camp from our ward!  Crazy.  If your ward is smaller you might not have to divide up so much.)


  1. Hello. We love this idea. Was wondering if there is anyway we can get this printable with 2014 date on it? Please let me know.
    Thank you!

  2. So glad you liked it. I'd be happy to send it to you. Just email me.

  3. Hi Rachael,
    Not sure if you got my email or not. My email is Thank you!!!

  4. Where did you get your oil vials?

  5. Would you please send me an email with the 2014 on it also! Love, love, love this!!

  6. I got the vials on Etsy. Not sure which store. Sorry.

  7. Any way you could do a 2016 one too?
    Thank you,

  8. Hello Rachael, I was wondering if there would be anyway to get the printables for these necklaces updated to 2016???? I would really appreciate it. We are going to make these for camp next month and would love to not have to recreate your amazing idea from scratch. Thanks so much! you can email me directly using my first and last name :)

  9. Hi Rachel, I too would love the printables with the 2016 date. Please email me at

  10. Hello Rachel, please email me a printable with updates 2016 date when you can. Very excited to get these put together.

  11. Rachel, I love your post! Will you please email me the updated 2016
    Such a great idea!

  12. Rachel, I love your post! Will you please email me the updated 2016
    Such a great idea!

  13. Rachel, you did such an amazing job with this idea and theme. Could I too get a copy with the 2016 date? Thanks a bunch.

  14. This is such an amazing idea, my YCL's have already agreed that this is what they would like to do. I know that it'll be an awesome experience for the other YW. Can I too have a copy of the PDF with 2016 - - THANK YOU

  15. Thanks Rachael! I love this idea. Can you email me the updated graphic with 2016?

  16. Rachel,
    Is there any way I can get this with 2017 on it. I would love to use it for Relief Society?
    Thank you!

  17. I love this idea! Do you know how tall your vials were? 1 1/2 inches? I'm trying to order them on amazon but I don't want them to be too small for the sticker! Thanks.

  18. Stephani, I'm so happy you are using this idea. The labels measure about .75 inches tall so height wise it should work. I would check to see what the diameter of the bottle is. The label is about an inch wide. When I ordered the bottles I got them on Etsy. My bottles were 1.75 inches tall.

  19. Thanks, Rachael. Is there any way you could change the graphic to 2017? I clicked on it but is still says 2015. If not, we could probably figure it out. Thanks!

  20. I put on another document that is the original size. I hope this helps.

  21. Hey Rachael

    I am so EXCITED to have come across this. Is there anyway I could get you to email the label with 2019 on it? I would truly be so grateful.


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