Getting kids to do jobs

Last night was a great "mother moment".  My 13 year old daughter asked me if she could be in charge of the family night lesson.  I said sure.  Apparently she was not happy about how the the family was dealing with the clean and dirty dishes in our house because she made a power point about doing jobs.  Then she made a chart assigning everyone a time to unload and load the dishes and help with setting the table.  I was really impressed with her inititive.  What a great girl!

Another tool I have found that worked really well during the summer (when we had more time to do jobs) was a web site called "My Job Chart".  I really should be implementing this during the school year too.

Parents can go in and assign jobs and a point value to go with the job and what days the kids need to do the job.  It took a bit of time to set up, but once it's done, it keeps track for you.  So if the kids do their jobs they can get a reward.  It will also allow you to pay part of the reward to a charity.  (I'm thinking tithing.)  If you want you can even set up a reward system that allows the kids to buy things from with the points they have earned.  The best part?  It's FREE!  You can check it out here.


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