LDS Girls Camp Ideas - Angry Birds

Last year I was the girls camp director in our ward.  I have a few fun ideas I thought I'd post.

Angry Birds!

We had a blast with this activity!  Our Activity days girls made the basic forms of the birds.  They made paper mache forms over balloons.  Then during a pre-camp activities the Young Women painted the birds.  This is how a few of them turned out.  If I had it to do over again I would take small four square balls and decorate them, but the paper mache was practically free.

Then we had a bunch of boxes. (Free at the grocery store) We had a lesson about how there are things in our lives that drag us down.  Things that keep us from our full potential.  We were angry at these things and we were going to knock them out of our lives!  The girls then wrote on the boxes those things they wanted to overcome.

We then made a wall to knock down that had pigs, some paper mache and some #10 cans with paper around them.  

We had a sling shot made from Medical tubing and a piece of fabric.  Two girls held either end and then one girl launched the bird.  It was great fun! 


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